Josh and Abi spent two weeks state-hopping, equipment-buying, and junk-hunting.
“Since we don’t get away too often, trips of any kind are sweet. This one was also epic. The kind that tends to set the memories clearly into your brain, to be remembered without haziness. Sometimes that’s because you’ve just had your mind blown by the New Hampshire view at 52,000 feet, and sometimes it’s because you’re precariously balancing in a full to brim, sweltering porta-potty at the end of Memorial Day weekend in a poison ivy farm campground in Kentucky. Either way.” – Abi

Flying over the Atlantic towards Boston

Camping in Kentucky
Dash mascot, team-player
Leaving Philly
Beautiful, spooky roads in the Catskills
Traveling to the hut by nightfall.
Snowshoes on Abi’s back
Riding borrowed bikes through downtown Providence
Baltimore Print Studios, run by Tyler Van Horn and Kim Bentley. Very good people
Type drawer at Baltimore Print Studios
High fives in Charlottesville VA
Along the way, we encountered some new artists to watch via the MICA Undergrad Thesis Exhibit. We were lucky to get that timing right, the show only hangs for a couple days at the end of the spring semester.