We had an awesome time Saturday night during the opening for Chris Bilheimer’s polaroid show, This is Starting to Fade. The show looks fantastic and some great folks came out. If you missed it, you can still stop by the shop during retails hours after SXSW. We’ll be posting some images on our Facebook page, so go there to see more photos.
Read an article on the event on Austin Chronicle
We are now in full on Spring Break mode. Time to tidy the shop and get out of here for a few days to have some fun and see some friendly faces that are in town for SXSW. If you’re wanting to stop by the shop during this week and take a look at the Polaroid show, we’ll be open for abbreviated hours 11-2 Wednesday and Thursday.
Feel free to give us a call, we may be able to accommodate an appointment.

We’re excited to check out Flatstock.
It’s a huge source of inspiration every year. We’re stoked to get to say hi to some of our favorite people from Chicago – Jay Ryan of Bird Machine and Ryan Duggan of Drug Factory Press are amazing, prolific artists, and all around rad human beings. Local buddies Mishka Westell, Bobby Dixon from KLCTV Fusion, and Geoff, Erick, and Lauren from Decoder Ring are positive forces of awesome design and not to be missed. Go check them out!

Another source of visual goodness going on right now is a show at Preacher Austin (8th and Colorado). Aaron Michalovic, Rich Cali, Adam Young, Joe Swec, Sophie Roach and several other total badasses have pieces up there currently as part of a group show put together with the help of Working Not Working.
Friendly Updates
We’re about ready for Spring Break here at the shop. We’ve printed up a bunch of stuff for the SXSW rush and are ready for a beer.
Here are a few things both chill and very chill that you should check out from the talented crew at Bearded Lady.
This is Starting to Fade
Don’t forget to come and see Chris Bilhemier’s show at Bearded Lady General this Saturday March, 14th from 6 – 9 PM.
Brian Phillips at Cherrywood Coffee House
Brian Phillips has some artwork at Cherrywood Coffee House for the month of March. Go see his artwork and buy some of it for your house.
Cory Plump and his band Spraypaint have shows during SXSW. You can check them out at these times and places
South By San Jose
We printed up the shirts for Hotel San Jose’s SXSW party this year. Go check out their rad event South By San Jose for a free show and good time. Here’s a link to all the information
Down the Line
We’ve got a bunch in store for the coming Spring and will be tied up with jobs for a bit, so if you haven’t got a job in our queue, we’ll have to refer you to one of our trusted colleagues. Stay tuned for some rad work coming up.
Here and Now photos
Thanks to everyone who came out for the Tim Kerr and Brian Phillips show at Bearded Lady General.
We had a great time and thank the artists for the hard work in setting up the show and our beverage sponsor, Crown Valley Brewing. Look for announcements for our next show coming up in the next week or so and sign up to our mailing list for event and sale updates.
Here are some photos by Autumn Spadaro Photography
Valentine’s Day
Looking for a gift for that special someone?
Stop by the shop for some unique artwork and prints.
Enjoy 14% off all Bearded Lady merchandise through Valentine’s Day.
Some special Valentine’s cards we printed up from Caitlin Alexander and Brian Phillips
Here and Now
an art show by
Brian Phillips and Tim Kerr
Saturday, February 7
6 – 9 PM
We will be hosting the second iteration of a show featuring collaborative and individual works by Brian Phillips and Tim Kerr. First shown at San Antonio’s Hello Studio in August 2014 as “You are Here”, the show will be hanging again in Austin, with additional pieces, under the name “Here and Now”. Opening reception will be held Saturday February 7th, from 6-9 pm, and will feature musical entertainment by DJ Lord Highpockets.
Art Print – Michael Hall
He’s from Baltimore and Philadelphia, and this is his website.
The imagery is “directly inspired by the way the older Union Pacific heralds tend to crack and split apart on the old red boxes and yellow autoracks.”
Serigraph Show
in conjunction with PrintAustin
Friday, January 16, 6 – 9 PM
2015 Calendar

We’re so very happy with how this project came out. 12″x19″ 2015 calendar, split into four seasonal three-color screen prints on French Paper. Signed and numbered in an edition of 50. After calendar use, trim each print down to an easily frame-able 12″x12″ art print. Lovely illustrations of flora and fauna by our own Caitlin B Alexander. Bound with brass screw posts, backed with chipboard, and hang-ready. $50. Shipping is $10 – please call the shop if you’d like to pick one up locally.
Four signed and numbered 3-color art prints for about 13 bucks apiece is NOT A BAD DEAL, Y’ALL.
Public Private

Two of our favorite people have been trading art back and forth for the past few months and the results are pretty awesome to look at. Come by and see what happens when Mason McFee and Connor O’Leary paint on eachother’s work tonight from 7-10. “Public Private” will be hanging for the rest of the month, so if you can’t make it this evening, come poke your head in the shop anytime in December to get a good look.

EAST 2014 at Bearded Lady
We’d love to have you and hope to see you.
Visit the EAST website for more information